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T-Ball Division (Ages 5-6)

All 5's and 6's will play in the T-Ball Division.
T-Ball is an introduction to baseball for pre-school and kindergarten-aged children.  Each inning, all players from the batting team step to the plate, hit the ball off a Tee, and run to first base.  The last batter of the inning hit's a Home Run! There are no scores, standings, or post-season at the T-Ball level,
Teams are formed using buddy requests and pre-school attendance.  Team's typically play an 8-10 game schedule with games running from March to May. There are no separate practices or other activities. T-Ball games are typically played weekly on Saturday or Sunday at Trinta South or another local field.

Team Sponsors - T-Ball

Sponsored by Home Theater Innovations

Home Theater Innovations

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